7 de octubre de 2013

50th Anniversary of the Law and Society Association “Law and Inequalities: Global and Local”

From: "Sociología Jurídica en América Latina" 
Date: 2013/10/2
Subject: [Nueva entrada] 50th Anniversary of the Law and Society Association “Law and Inequalities: Global and Local”
To: mejiawalker@gmail.com

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50th Anniversary of the Law and Society Association “Law and Inequalities: Global and Local”

by Lucero Ibarra Rojas
The next Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (LSA), under the topic "Law and inequalities: global and local", will mark the 50th Anniversary of this Association, and will be celebrated inMinneapolis, U.S.A., on May 29 and June 1, 2014.
The LSA was founded in 1964, and it is one of the first organizations which gathers scholars interested in the study of law from a interdisciplinary relation with the social sciences; its annual meeting is, therefore, a very important forum for the study of law and society. The LSA also edits the journal Law & Society Review.
As to this year's conference topic:
Recent decades have seen the persistence and growth of powerful inequalities within and between groups and within and among nations. The 2014 program theme returns to a question central to the Association’s founding:  the role of law and legal institutions in sustaining, creating, interrogating, and ameliorating inequalities. The 2014 Program invites participants to explore and consider three questions:
  • How can Law and Society scholarship contribute to unearthing and understanding inequalities?
  • How can Law and Society scholarship contribute to the critical interrogation of discourses of equality and inequality and help to reveal what is at stake in these concepts?
  • What impact can we expect these scholarly contributions to have on the persistence of these inequalities and on public discourse about them?
The Call for Proposals for individual papers or fully formed panels, will close on October 15, 2013.
Further information can be found in the web page of the Association.
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